Eating issue disappeared - Review

A Happy Client
Vicky O'Gorman, our Ollie Coach based in Dorset, has recently been working with a client who had a particular favourite chocolate bar and once started couldn't stop. Vicky successfully helped the client to stop eating that particular product by getting the client to overlay the particular chocolate bar with something she didn't like. The client now associates the chocolate bar with something she doesn't like. And better still the client just doesn't think about the chocolate.
The technique Vicky used can be used on many different things not just food. For example if you love dancing but dislike house work you can overlay the feeling you have for dancing to house work and your dislike of house work will disappear.
"I worked with Vicky to help me with an eating issue. I am on a weight-loss journey and my trigger food is chocolate. My specific issue is that when I eat a small amount of chocolate, I find it difficult to stop. We worked on stopping me eating a specific type of chocolate bar (my favourite) and since that one session, it is as if that product has been erased from my consciousness! The session was in November and it is now the end of January and I have not eaten that product since!
Vicky used a technique called Map Over where we explored my feelings towards the product. We also explored my dislike of another type of food and then Vicky took it further and we mapped my responses towards the disliked food onto the one I couldn't stop eating and from that point forward I have not thought about, eaten or craved that product. Amazing results!"
Ollie Coaches work with all sorts of issues and with all ages, children through to adults of any age. During their training Ollie Coaches are taught many different techniques that can be used for any number of issues. The key is using the right one for the client and this will very much depend on the client and where they are in their journey to their solution state.
To get in contact with Vicky please email V.ogorman@ollieandhissuperpowers.com
Photo by Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash