Meet the Ollie Coach

Introducing Pippa Durrant
Hello, my name is Pippa and I live within a stone’s throw of Stonehenge in beautiful Wiltshire.
I am passionate about helping people of all ages with their emotions and behaviours. I can help with anxiety, stress, phobias, low self-esteem, fear, anger, challenging behaviour, high sensitivity, sensory processing and all the emotions that go with being an individual.
My special interest is in High Sensitivity and stomach and bowel-related issues caused by anxiety. I am currently working alongside two consultant doctors to help support their patients with the psychological element of their condition and treatment. I’m also a firm believer in the mind/body link and have been known to help children to find their ‘calm’ by practising some fun gentle yoga sessions with them in my garden.
I am a mother of three teenagers so I understand all the ups and downs that comes with this age group. I also vividly remember what it was like when my children were younger and expressing their emotions in many different, and sometimes, challenging ways!
I have two much loved dogs, sixteen chickens, several fish, a wildlife pond, Jubilee the adopted pheasant and a husband! I love being in nature, yoga, mindfulness, swimming, walking, reading and gardening.
I studied Health Care at university with a focus on paediatric nursing before changing tack and working in an office in London until I had my first child. I was then a stay at home mum whilst the children were young until an amazing opportunity came along to run a Healthy Families programme for military families. This included running weekly classes with topics ranging from healthy eating, CPR, first aid, managing stress and looking after both physical and mental wellbeing.
I have also worked as a Health Care Assistant on a children’s ward, a Teaching Assistant in a primary school including working 1:1 with a child with SEN, vaccinator on the Covid vaccination programme and have also run a successful bed and breakfast business.
I work from a cosy studio at home, in my garden and even do walk-and-talk sessions if that is what people prefer.
Please contact me on pippa.durrant@ollieandhissuperpowers.com and I hope I can help.